Auto-control: Auto-pilot. Brie is instructed by Starbuck to activate this after having problems on her first launch from Galactica ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Bio-pulse line: An unspecified body function, possibly an emotional state. Starbuck attempts to use this as an excuse to not join Apollo's mission to clear the Cylon minefield ("Saga of a Star World").
Boraton: Liquid that extinguishes fires ("Fire in Space").
Breather: Breathing mask, or a life support system supplying air ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
By your command: A Cylon response to a command.
By your leave: A Colonial response to a command.
Carbide: A likely term for carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Comline: Communication channel between ships.
C.O.R.A.: Computer, Oral Response Activated. An artificial intelligence capable of operating a Viper ("The Long Patrol").
Flash inspection: An inspection of military assets that is performed without prior notice by a superior officer ("Saga of a Star World").
Flight slumber: Unintentionally sleeping while flying a craft, like a Viper; Apollo attempts to write off John and his second visit to the Ship of Lights as being a dream from a flight slumber ("Experiment in Terra").
Four-point peel off: A maneuver performed with a group of four Vipers ("War of the Gods, Part I").
Free flight jump: An infantry parachute landing, having jumped out of a shuttle ("The Living Legend, Part II").
Furlon: Furlough, or short leave of absence for Warriors in the Colonial Military service ("The Man with Nine Lives").
Ion field: Stellar phenomenon, which can cause scanner echoes ("The Living Legend, Part I").
Ion vapors: Exhaust trail of a turbo engine ("The Long Patrol").
Leisuron: Vacation or leave of absence, similar to a furlon ("Saga of a Star World").
Lextrium III: Fuel used by the Eastern Alliance destroyer ("Experiment in Terra").
Life pod: Life support bed used in the life center aboard Galactica ("Fire in Space").
Life station relief: Sick call ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II").
Maximum G-climb: A maneuver done near a celestial body, which may cause the pilot to blackout. Starbuck orders C.O.R.A. to perform this maneuver, which causes the pursuing Raider to crash into the loading docks on Proteus ("The Lost Warrior").
Mega star: Large star ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part II").
Mega sun: Large star. Nomen come from the "land of the mega sun" ("The Man with Nine Lives").
Pods: Cylon outpost ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Proton energizers: Type of weapon on an Eastern Alliance destroyer ("Experiment in Terra").
Pulse scrambled code: Secure method of communication used by the Colonial Fleet ("The Lost Warrior").
Quadrant: Region of space, see also Sector. Usually named after a Greek letter, or (less frequently) a star system or planet.
Scanner: Computer monitor and television set.
Sector: Region of space or planet, see also Quadrant. Usually named after a Greek letter (space sectors), or a geographic formation on the surface of a planet (geographic sector, e.g. Sector Hekla on the planet Arcta").
Skybus: Type of starship ("Saga of a Star World").
Solium: Type of fuel.
Solonite: Explosive used in demolitions ("The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II").
Spacedrome: Space port ("Saga of a Star World").
Stand alert: Colonial term for "attention" ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Star speed: Speed measure used by Eastern Alliance ("Greetings from Earth").
Stripped and moduled: A consequence of severe infractions in military law, likely similar to being stripped of one's rank and thrown in hack. Greenbean expresses a fear of this happening as Giles asks where he got the alcohol from ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Telecom: Internal communications phone aboard Galactica ("Fire in Space").
Turboflush: Toilet ("Baltar's Escape").
Turboram thruster: Type of engine or thruster ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Turboshower: Shower ("Murder on the Rising Star").
Tylium: Fuel source, highly combustible ("Fire in Space").
Warrior: An all purpose term for Colonial soldier and Viper pilot.