Centura: Possibly an expression related to percentages. "If we just let him lie in that life pod he doesn't have a chance in a centura" ("Fire in Space").
Chronometer: Time keeping device, essentially a watch ("Saga of a Star World").
Computape: Video recording; Sire Solon watched computapes of the triad match between Ortega and Starbuck ("Murder on the Rising Star").
Crawlon: Spider ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Cubit: Form of coined currency.
Daggit: Dog.
Death stone: Tombstone ("The Long Patrol").
Drone: Robot, such as Muffit II ("Saga of a Star World").
Ducket: Type of prepaid voucher used on the shuttle Canaris, typically collected at the end of the shuttle trip ("The Man with Nine Lives").
Fumarello: Small cigar that Starbuck typically smokes.
Geogram: Diagram; Ravashol shows Apollo a geogram of the pulsar with instructions on how to destroy it ("The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II").
Glaiders: Coined currency on Equellus ("The Lost Warrior").
Homemade buzzer: "Moonshine" on Equellus ("The Lost Warrior").
Hovermobile: Ground transportation that can be hot-wired ("Fire in Space").
Isoldin: Intravenous fluid given to patients ("Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I").
Lupus: Wolf-like animal.
Nightflyer: Owl-like creature on Equellus that hoots ("The Lost Warrior").
Orion hasher: Something that is black and blue; Cassiopeia comments that Starbuck looks like one after his matches with Ortega ("Murder on the Rising Star").
Plant vapors: Psychoactive drug familiar to the Colonials; Boomer comments that the Blonde Taurus woman on Carillon was probably "smoking plant vapors" ("Saga of a Star World").
Pluton: Radioactive material whose radiation breaks down food ("Saga of a Star World").
Protest: Similar to saying "objection" in a Colonial Tribunal ("Murder on the Rising Star").
Pyramid: Card game, similar to poker.
Scorpius: Scorpion like insect. Maga comments that Borellian Nomen have the patience of such a creature, he also comments that the name "Borellian Nomen" strike fear at the hearts of those who hear it like the scorpius ("The Man with Nine Lives").
Sleep period: Bedtime.
Seal: Marriage.
Sickbed: Bed rest when one is recovering from an illness ("The Young Lords").
Tape coder: Voice recording device; Thane successfully passes off a hand mine as a device ("The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II").
Tribunal: Court hearing.
Travelator: Travel agent ("Saga of a Star World").
Triad: Contact sport, similar to football or basketball.