Bishop's log. Fleasome and I are on long patrol in sector KC. We made first contact with two humanoid factions known as the "Dark Empire" and the "Rebel Alliance." Neither is likely to render Fleet assistance due to their ongoing conflict. We also encountered friendly aliens, one calling himself "Hellboy" and a another heavily armored infantry solider known as "Halo." With the proper compensation, these individuals may prove helpful in our fight against the Cylon tyranny.
Taken by surprise, we engage a previously unknown Cylon model. This is one tough tin-head. But our secret weapon is Fleasome's legendary laser pistol skills and we capture the "Iron Cylon" for future interrogation. The locals were appreciative of our efforts and generously allow me to pose for a likeness.
With Fleasome having already departed on a return flight to the Fleet with the Iron Cylon in tow, I mistakenly let my guard down and was ambushed by a Centurion. The ensuing exchange of laser fire was brief. I knew I was outmatched so I retreated, body tired and ego bruised. The flight home will be a long one.
Looking forward to returning sector KC next yahren!
Bishop out.
Bishop out.