Blackstar Squadron Charter
Revised Summer 2015
Welcome to the Colonial Fleet!
You have been assigned to Blackstar Squadron aboard the Battlestar Galactica. Nicknamed "The Fighting Faithful", this squadron represents the elite, the very spirit of what it is to be a Colonial Warrior. If you’ve found your way here we don’t need to tell you about the thrill of piloting a Viper or donning the uniform... you know it all too well. By joining these ranks you will meet others with the same vision and together we will all do what we can to bring a little hope to a world that has known its fair share of adversity. So strap on your boots, grab your laser and stand tall like the warrior you are. Let the word go forth... there are those who still believe. Blackstar Squadron is a costuming group comprised of individuals with a wide variety of knowledge, skill and passion. This Charter is a general guide, providing a basic structure for group operation and expectation of personal behavior. There are certainly circumstances not specifically addressed or contemplated herein. In these situations, common sense will prevail. When two or more versions of common sense exist, the High Council will decide which is appropriate. |