ARTICLE X: High Council
The High Council is comprised of elected positions held by voting members for one (1) year. There is no limit to service length providing that the incumbent receives passing votes from the voting membership.
While in office, each elected member holds the office rank of Captain (or the singular position of Strike Captain) and each is empowered with one vote for High Council matters. Once service has been completed in good standing and all duties & privileges relieved, the voting member is permanently retains the rank of Captain, excepting for cases of demotion or dismissal by the High Council (see Article VII: Disciplinary Action). Former High Council members may be awarded command access as advisors but they hold no High Council voting power. The High Council is comprised of the following elected positions: Strike Captain: Serves as the elected club president and Commanding Officer in charge of squadron administration. Duties include but are not limited to:
Executive Officer:
Serves as club Vice President and assistant to the Strike Captain in daily operation and administration. The Executive Officer becomes acting president in the absence of the Strike Captain. Duties include but are not limited to:
The High Council is required to vote on routine group administration as noted in this Charter. Additionally, the Strike Captain may call for a High Council decision on any topic a reasonable person would deem necessary to support the smooth & continued operation of the group. All other matters require a motion and second by two (2) members of the High Council. All motions will be posted in the forum with votes recorded.
For determining the outcome of High Council decisions, 3 of 5 affirmative votes are required to pass a motion. In cases where one or more members of the High Council are unable or unwilling to vote, determination will be made by simple majority. In the case of a tie, the Strike Captain will cast the deciding vote, even if duplicated. Generally votes must be cast within 7 days unless otherwise requested. In extreme cases, the Strike Captain may declare a "State of Emergency" for a period up to 3 months, unless overruled by a High Council vote of 3 against. During this time, no changes may be made to the Charter or High Council and the Strike Captain is allowed two votes for each High Council decision. |